Chair's Welcome

Welcome to the Department of 咨询 and Human 服务s (CHS)!

Chair, 咨询 and Human 服务s Department

As Chair of the department, 我很高兴代表我们全体教职员工对你们表示热烈的欢迎, 工作人员, 和学生. Whether you are a prospective student, a current member of our department, or simply seeking information about our programs, we are delighted to have you here.

At the Department of 咨询 and Human 服务s, 我们致力于培养富有同情心的专业人士,他们具备对个人福祉产生积极影响的知识和技能, 家庭, and communities. 我们的综合课程将理论基础与实践经验相结合, 确保我们的毕业生准备好应对当今社会的复杂挑战.

我们杰出的教师是各自领域的专家,并致力于提供变革性的教育体验. 他们为课堂带来了丰富的知识和经验, 将咨询和人类服务方面的最新研究和最佳实践纳入他们的教学.

As a student in our department, 您将有机会获得一个支持性和参与性的学习环境. Through hands-on experiences, 实习, and clinical placements, 您将有机会在经验丰富的专业人士的指导下将您的技能应用于现实世界. We take pride in fostering a culture of collaboration, 尊重, and inclusivity, where every voice is valued and celebrated.

为专业人士寻求提升他们的职业生涯或探索新的专业领域, we offer a range of certificates, continuing education, and professional development opportunities. 本系致力于终身学习,并提供资源,以提高专业人士在该领域的知识和技能.

我们也重视与社区、地方组织和机构的伙伴关系. 这些合作为我们的学生参与社区项目提供了宝贵的机会, research initiatives, and service-learning activities. 在一起, 我们努力做出有意义的改变,满足不同人群的独特需求.

我鼓励你浏览我们的网站,了解更多最靠谱的网赌软件的项目, 教师, research initiatives, and community engagement. Whether you are interested in pursuing a degree, seeking professional development, or collaborating with us, we are here to support you every step of the way.

感谢您访问咨询与公众服务部网站. 我们期待着欢迎您加入我们充满活力和同情心的社区.


马克Rehfuss Chair, Department of 咨询 and Human 服务s

咨询 MSEd Program Mission:

The mission of our master's degree (M.S. Ed.辅导研究生课程是为了让我们的学生掌握技能, 知识, 以及使他们能够在要求苛刻和不断变化的专业咨询师世界中发挥道德和良好作用的态度. 该项目教师的价值观通过咨询和相关教育项目认证委员会(CACREP)的项目认证形成。. 我们提供基于自我评估和改进的高质量咨询师准备计划. 我们打算继续对不断变化的需求作出反应, pluralistic society, to new and emerging client needs, and to the counseling profession, both regionally and nationally. The 咨询 研究生 Program serves diverse, qualified students from the Hampton Roads region, from across the United States, and from countries worldwide. 该计划教师的一个关键目标不仅是为这些不同的学生准备以研究为基础的知识和通用能力, but also to help them develop those attitudes of understanding, 好奇心, reflectiveness, 承诺, 毅力, and compassion, which will serve them well in professional practice.

咨询 MSEd Program Goal:

辅导员必须具备重要的知识体系和技能,以帮助客户和学生在他们的生活中有效地发挥作用. To achieve this goal, 该计划提供的课程包括以下核心部分:专业方向和道德实践, social and cultural diversity, human growth and development, career development, helping relationships, 组工作, testing and assessment, and research and program evaluation. 此外,还需要针对不同专业领域的课程作业. Finally, a variety of field placement activities (e.g., 实习, 实习),以确保学生能够运用所学的技能和知识. 咨询研究生课程也旨在确保咨询学生拥有必要的个人特征,成为一个有效的助手. This is accomplished through a multifaceted admissions process, the use of experiential learning approaches, 并通过对学生的申请进行持续的学术筛选, behavioral/personal characteristics. 该计划与国家认证机构制定的指导方针一致, 咨询及相关项目认证委员会(CACREP). Goal: To prepare students to become professional counselors.

EdS Program Mission:

The mission of the Ed.S. 心理咨询专业的课程是为来自不同背景的心理咨询专业人员在其初级培训之外的专业领域进行高级培训做好准备. 在之前的硕士学位提供的咨询基础上建立, 该计划的教师促进卓越的持续学习和成长,作为一个动态的咨询专业, 支持, and inclusive environment. The purpose of the Ed.S. 该课程旨在培养对所有专业咨询角色的更深层次的理解, and train counselors for leadership, 监督, and specialized practice.

EDS/Advanced school counseling program

最靠谱的网赌软件咨询和人类服务部很高兴提供高级学校咨询的教育专家学位(EdS). 本课程专为希望进一步发展职业生涯的学校辅导员而设计, enhance their leadership skills, and strengthen their counseling expertise. 本课程的学习者必须已持有学校咨询硕士学位. 这些课程大多是在线提供的,也可以应用于ODU咨询师教育和监督博士课程.

Department of 咨询 & Human 服务s


