Hourly Position Actions

Establish or Redefine an Hourly Position

To establish a new hourly position or to change/redefine an existing one, prepare the following paperwork and submit to 人力资源 hrcompclass@dasabaggage.com.

Section I must be completed to ensure timely processing of your request. Attach a hard copy of the Position Description Form with original signatures to the HR-3.

Include Position Description Form on the HR-3 form, AND attach it as a Microsoft Word file on the e-mail. If necessary, HR will edit the form and return it to you with any changes.

  • Include a copy of your department's org chart when establishing a new position.

直接雇佣 of Part-Time Hourly 员工

请参阅 直接雇佣 Process for forms and guidance on hiring a part-time hourly employee without a recruitment.

Rehiring or Terminating Hourly 员工 (EPAF的)

EPAF的 (Electronic Personnel Action 形式) is a paperless method to submit employee changes for Student Hourly, 研究生 Assistant, and Hourly employees to 人力资源 and/or Student 就业. 使用EPAF:

  • 汇率变化
  • Rehiring a Student or Hourly in the same position
  • Rehiring a Student or Hourly in a new position
  • Terminating a Student or Hourly employee
  • Terminating a Student or Hourly employee's job